University Deadlines For Fall 2015

It is our continued endeavour to keep you updated with the university deadlines well before the application process. As per tradition we are publishing the university deadlines for fall 2015 semester. Please bear in mind that some universities may change deadlines on their websites without prior notice. The department deadlines may differ from the graduate school deadlines, hence you are advised to cross check not only the graduate school deadlines but also the department website of the university you are applying to.

The deadlines mentioned below are for the graduate school only.

Deadlines in December

Indiana University, Bloomington (1-Dec)
University of Miami, Coral Gables (1-Dec)
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (1-Dec)
Harvard University (14-Dec)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (15-Dec)
Tufts University (15-Dec)
Yale University (15-Dec)

Deadlines in January

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1-Jan)
University of Maryland, Baltimore County (1-Jan)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (1-Jan)
University of Virginia, Charlottesville (10-Jan)
Washington State University, Pullman (10-Jan)
Florida Institute of Technology (15-Jan)
State University of New York, Buffalo (15-Jan)
State University of New York, Stony Brook (15-Jan)
Texas A & M University, Kingsville (15-Jan)
Texas Tech University (15-Jan)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (15-Jan)
Vanderbilt University (15-Jan)
Duke University (30-Jan)
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago (31-Jan)

Deadlines in February

Indiana University Purdue University (1-Feb with funding, 1-Mar without funding)
Case Western Reserve University (1-Feb)
East Carolina University (1-Feb)
Kansas State University (1-Feb)
Pennsylvania State University, University Park (1-Feb)
University of Rhode Island, Kingston (1-Feb)
University of Tennessee, Knoxville (1-Feb)
University of Tulsa (1-Feb)
Eastern Michigan University (15-Feb)
Marquette University (15-Feb)
University of Illinois, Chicago (15-Feb)
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth (15-Feb)
University of South Florida, Tampa (15-Feb)

Deadlines in March

California State University, Chico (1-Mar)
California State University, Sacramento (1-Mar)
Illinois State University, Normal (1-Mar)
North Carolina State University (1-Mar)
Oklahoma State University, Still Water (1-Mar)
University of Alaska, Fairbanks (1-Mar)
University of Maine, Orono (1-Mar)
University of Nebraska, Lincoln (1-Mar)
University of Oklahoma, Norman (1-Mar)
University of Oregon, Eugene (1-Mar)
University of Pittsburgh (1-Mar)
University of Toledo (1-Mar)
George Washington University (15-Mar)
Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn (15-Mar)
South Dakota School of Mines & Tech (15-Mar)
University of Colorado, Denver (15-Mar)
University of Kentucky, Lexington (15-Mar)
University of North Texas, Denton (15-Mar)
University of Pennsylvania (15-Mar)
California State University, Northridge (31-Mar Online, 30-Apr Document Submission)

Deadlines in April

California State University, Fresno (1-Apr)
California State University, Long Beach (1-Apr online, 15-Apr Document Submission)
Idaho State University (1-Apr)
Oregon State University, Corvallis (1-Apr)
San Jose State University (1-Apr)
Stevens Institute of Technology (1-Apr)
University of Arkansas, Little Rock (1-Apr)
University of Houston, University Park (1-Apr)
University of Michigan, Dearborn (1-Apr)
University of Texas, San Antonio (1-Apr)
University of Utah, Salt Lake City (1-Apr)
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (1-Apr)
West Virginia University, Morgan Town (1-Apr)
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo (1-Apr)
Wichita State University (1-Apr)
California State University, Los Angeles (15-Apr)
Lamar University (15-Apr)
Old Dominion University, Norfolk (15-Apr)
South Dakota State University, Brookings (15-Apr)
University of Georgia (15-Apr)
University of Iowa, Iowa City (15-Apr)

Deadlines in May

City University of New York, City College (1-May)
Minnesota State University, Mankato (1-May)
Mississippi State University (1-May)
Montana State University, Bozeman (1-May)
New Jersey Institute of Technology (1-May)
North Dakota State University, Fargo (1-May)
Northern Illinois University, Dekalb (1-May)
Oakland University, Rochester (1-May)
Southern Methodist University (1-May)
Tennessee Technological University (1-May)
University of Idaho, Moscow (1-May)
University of Louisville, Louisville (1-May)
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (1-May)
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (1-May)
University of North Carolina, Charlotte (1-May)
University of South Carolina, Columbia (1-May)
University of Texas, Arlington (1-May)
University of Texas, Dallas (1-May)
Villanova University (1-May)
Wayne State University (1-May)
Western Illinois University (1-May)
California State University, Fullerton (1-May)
University of Louisiana, Lafayette (15-May)
University of North Carolina, Greensboro (15-May)

Deadlines in June

Louisiana Tech University, Ruston (1-Jun)
Monmouth University (1-Jun)
Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville (1-Jun)
University of Detroit, Mercy (1-Jun)
University of Wyoming, Laramie (1-Jun)
Drexel University (13-Jun)
Missouri University of Science & Technology, Rolla (15-Jun)
Texas State University (15-Jun)

Deadlines in July

Arkansas State University (1-Jul)
Florida State University (1-Jul)
New York Institute of Technology (1-Jul)
Santa Clara University (12-Jul)
Lehigh University (15-Jul)
Marist College, Poughkeepsie (15-Jul)
University of South Alabama, Mobile (15-Jul)

Deadlines in August

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (1-Aug)
University of Houston, Clear Lake (1-Aug)
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces (26-Aug)

Rolling Deadlines

Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison (Rolling)
Rochester Institute of Technology (Rolling)

Deadlines for Fall 2014 Coming Up in this Month (Dec 13)

As you know, the deadlines for admission to the fall 2014 semester begin in December 2013 and stretch all the way up to August 2014. So, if you are applying for fall 2014 the deadlines have begun. Keep watching this blog, we’ll keep updating you on the deadlines for the month every month from now.

This month there are just a few coming up – only 6 in all – but they are the first deadlines for fall. Here they are:

Universities with Deadlines in December

  1. Indiana University, Bloomington – 1 December
  2. University of Miami, Coral Gables – 1 December
  3. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill – 1 December
  4. Harvard University – 14 December
  5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology – 15 December
  6. Michigan State University, East Lansing – December

Related Blogs:


Great FREE Application Tools on DOA Online: Part 3 – Question & Answer Forum

Question & Answer Forum

Question & Answer Forum

– What are transcripts?
– When should I register for the GRE test?
– Where can I find university deadlines?
– From whom do I need to take recommendation letters?

The list of questions that come up when you are applying to American universities is endless. Most probably you won’t know where to look for solutions or, whom to ask for the answers. That’s where the next of our great free application tools comes in – the DOA ONLINE Q&A FORUM.


On the Q&A Forum (click screenshot below for enlarged view) you can:

  • ask any questions you have regarding the application process for American universities
  • get answers and expert advice from the academy (look for answers by the admin!)
  • get valuable tips and insights from other registered users – since they have gone through the same situations and problems, their advice is often the best: no one understands your situation better than those traveling on the same path!
  • consult the vast database of questions and answers already on the Q&A forum.

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MS-in-US: Vital Information, Key Decisions, Crucial Steps!

This post brings together a list of must-see links to our most important posts on ‘Admissions to American Universities’. The links are arranged under different headings:

  • university deadlines (spring 2014, fall 2014)
  • selecting which semester to join
  • step-by-step explanations of the application process
  • tips on the F1 visa and on preparing your Statement of Purpose
  • and several others.

This is important information. Don’t miss out on it!

Deadlines for Application

Did you know that there is no standard deadline for application for American universities? Deadlines for fall range from November of the previous year all the way up to August of the year in which you will join your university. Deadlines for spring range from June of the previous year to Jan of the year of joining. Your planning of the application process depends on the deadline for the most important university you are applying for. Check out the deadlines for your university through the links below.

  • Spring – 107 universities accepting students in spring (2014). Remember to check out the timeline for applying for spring (available December onward).
  • Fall – 125 universities accepting students in fall (2014). Remember to check out the timeline for applying for fall (available April onward).
Note: to find out what universities to apply to check out a list of the top 220 American universities at – look for ‘university information’ under the ‘applications’ button. You will find the following information:
  • departments and courses
  • university rank
  • documents required for application
  • the university website URL
For more information on these useful online services see:

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Great FREE Application Tools on DOA Online: Part 2 – University Checklists Feature

Our first post in this series on the free application tools available on was on the University Info feature. This is a great tool that simplifies the admission process for you by making available one website key facts about the top 220 universities – most importantly, the departments and courses available there. One of the other important things that the University Info feature makes available, however, is a standard university checklist.

What are University Checklists and Where Can I Get Them?

The university checklists we are talking about here, are lists of the standard documents required by all universities. Our University Info feature provides the standard checklists for each of the top 220 American universities that it covers. When you select a university from our University Info feature, you can access the standard checklist for the university by clicking the checklist button (see screenshot below – right-click it to enlarge it).

Why is the University Checklist Feature Important?

The reason we have the University Checklist feature is to make sure that you do not forget to send any of the required documents. Sending your documents and application packet before the deadline is crucial for the following reasons:

  • Forgetting to send even a single document can cause long and inconvenient delays in your application process.
  • You may also end up spending a lot of money to send the additional documents by courier
  • In fact, you may even lose out on getting admission to a good college or university.

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Great FREE Application Tools on DOA Online: Part 1 – the University Info Feature

Is the Admission Process Becoming a Hassle?

If you have been struggling with the complexities of getting admission to an American university, then you need to know about the great FREE tools available on our online‘ site. They are great for two reasons. First, they will simplify the process of applying to American universities for you. Second, they are free.

There’s no payment and there are no obligations even for students who haven’t enrolled for admissions counseling at Dilip Oak’s Academy. To use them, all you have to do is sign up and start using them. So, tell all your friends about them so they can benefit from them too! This week we will begin with the University Info feature.

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University Application Deadlines For Spring 2014 Semester

Deadlines for the Spring SemesterThe application season is on, June is just round the corner …and university deadlines are coming up soon. So, here is our much awaited blog for university application deadlines for spring 2014 covering 107 universities with application deadlines from June to December for the Spring 2014 semester. At the end is a section on universities with rolling deadlines (click here to find out what is meant by rolling deadlines).

Remember that American universities update deadlines on their websites at different times during the academic year so, we will update this blog to keep up with changes on their official websites.

Presenting the first of our deadline alerts.

Important Question: “Do you know which university you should apply to?”

A deadline is of use only if you know what university you should apply to. For those of you who are not too clear, here is how to decide:

1. Talk to seniors and decide which specialization you should apply for (examples: Networking, Data Bases etc. for Computer Engineers; Digital Signal Processing, VLSI etc. for Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers; MEMS, Robotics etc. for Mechanical Engineers)

2. To find out which universities or colleges offer the specialization you want, go to and look up your college or university in the University Information feature. All you have to do is select a university from the list of the top 220 provided (these have been selected by Mr. Dilip Oak) and you will get a list of departments and courses available. Click here to see. Registration is free and is open to all! (For more details on how to select a university see our Selecting the Right American University for Your MS in the US blog)

3. To plan your application process, check the general deadlines given in this blog. This will give you an idea of how much time you have and how to go about applying.

4. For the exact departmental deadline click the URL at the bottom of the University Information page for that university in This will give you a more precise idea of how to plan your application process (see our Application Timeline for Spring 2014 blog – to be released in December – to see more specifically how you should go about applying)

Good luck and if your university is not in the list provided, keep looking for it. We will be updating this blog.

Related blogs:

Also see:

Deadlines in June

  1. University of Maryland, Baltimore County –1 Jun
  2. Texas Tech University –15 Jun
  3. University of Tennessee, Knoxville –15 Jun

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University Selection for MS in US!

choosing right universities

We present you the definitive guide to University Selection for MS in US. One of the most difficult and important parts of the whole process of applying to American universities is deciding which ones to apply to. And considering the large number of good universities and the wide variety of courses available, selecting the right universities is a difficult exercise. So, here are a few pointers to help you on your way.

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Top Paying Engineering Jobs

A crucial question for engineers who are applying to an American university is: “What should I major in?” “Which stream is better, Computer Science, or Electrical?” This seemingly basic and straightforward question however, has no straightforward answer: there are a number of factors that you have to consider when choosing a major.

How to choose your Major?

  1. Identify your CORE strength – it should be something that you have both an aptitude and a passion for.
  2. Some careers have a higher entry-level qualification, such as a PhD, which is at least a four-year program. Find out if you want to study that long. If not consider what your other options are if you just have a Master’s degree.
  3. Where do you see yourself in five years, in ten, in fifteen? Do you have a long-term vision and do you feel that your current decisions will lead you to it.
  4. What are your fall-back options with this major? For example, a Computer Science major can usually switch from a role in System Development to Testing.
  5. Finally, what kind of life do you want for yourself? Is a high paying job the only thing you are interested in, or are there other things in life that you are interested in as well?

University Application Deadlines for the Fall 2013 Semester – Revised and Updated

(to be updated again in December)

Here is the revised list of US university application deadlines for Fall 2013 semester (with the revised deadlines in blue). It covers 118 universities with application deadlines from December to July for the Fall 2013 semester.

  • Note that these are the general (or graduate school) deadlines. Be sure to check the departmental deadlines for the specific department you are applying to since these may differ from the general deadlines.
  • Remember also that some universities have separate deadlines for sending documents by mail and for online submission.
  • Finally, keep in mind that if you are applying for financial aid the deadlines are earlier. Wherever information is available on these aspects we have included it.


Related: US University Application Deadlines – Spring 2013 Semester

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UC Irvine – and How I Got Admission There!

This week we bring you Suhas Bhadgaonkar, a software professional, and one of our alumni. He’s here with his experiences in getting admission to UC Irivine.


Name: Sagar Suhas Bhadgaonkar
Degree: BE (Computer Engineering), Univ. of Pune
Work Experience: 2.5+ years in Accenture Technology Solutions, as a Software Engineer
GRE Score: 1400 (Old Scale)/ 322 (New Scale)
Break Up:
Verbal: 640 (Old Scale)/162 (New Scale)
Quant: 760 (Old Scale)/160 (New Scale)
TOEFL: 112/120


My journey to a US university started when an acquaintance came to visit my home in Pune after spending a few years working for Oracle in San Jose. It was mid-May, and some of my other friends from Accenture had got admits from American universities and were planning to get visas and complete other application formalities. There was a ‘buzz’ in the air about going to America. My friend’s visit was like a little piece of sodium dropped into a bowl of water. The thought of the opportunities that lay in wait for me in the US began to bubble up in my mind. When the ‘reaction’ had subsided, higher studies and subsequent professional opportunities in America were the clear focus.

Like a lot of us who are now going to US, I was born and brought up in a middle class family with no immediate relatives in US). So, though the thought of studying further, or doing ‘something’, had been present in my mind for quite a while, I had never planned on going to US for higher education. The examples of my friends started me thinking about pursuing an MS in the USA.

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News: Fall 2012 US Graduate School Applications Statistics: Applications from India Up 2%, from China Up 14%!

According to preliminary data for Fall 2012 US graduate school applications statistics, it shows that overall applications from Indian students are up by 2%. But whats also interesting is, applications to graduate programs in US from China are up 14%. Which means expect more competition from your Chinese peers for your admits, and if you get admit, expect more competition for Jobs.(Although that market is recovering fast!).

Complete results are not out yet, which should be out around June. Among other findings by the survey for graduate school applications statistics for international students, conducted by Council of Graduate Schools, applications growth from India is as follows:

2009: -12%

2010: 1%

2011: 8%

2012: 2%

Overall, its in sync with how economy is moving, but far behind growth from Chinese applicants!