Maximizing GRE Success: 7 Tips for Choosing the Best GRE Online Coaching Classes

In this digital age, online coaching classes have become a popular choice for Graduate Record Examination (GRE) preparation. The convenience of studying from the comfort of your home and the flexibility of online learning make it an attractive option for many GRE aspirants. However, with so many online coaching options, selecting the best one can be daunting. In this blog, we’ll explore seven crucial tips to guide you in choosing the best GRE online coaching classes that align with your goals and learning preferences.

1. Research the Reputation:

Start your journey by looking into the reputation of online coaching classes. Conduct thorough research, read reviews, and explore testimonials from students who have undergone the program. Reputable platforms often have a track record of success, and their alumni can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the online coaching experience. Also, ask for feedback from your college seniors and consider their experiences in making an informed decision.

2. Online Instruction Expertise

The quality of instruction plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of an online coaching program. Look for platforms with experienced instructors with a proven track record in online GRE preparation. Online instruction requires a unique skill set, and instructors who can effectively convey complex concepts through digital mediums enhance the overall learning experience.

3. Engaging Learning Environment:

Effective online coaching classes should foster an interactive and engaging learning environment. Features such as live sessions, discussion forums, and interactive quizzes can enhance your understanding of GRE concepts. Assess the platform’s commitment to creating an interactive space that simulates the engagement of a physical classroom.

4. Comprehensive Study Materials:

Evaluate the availability and quality of study materials offered by the online coaching platform. A comprehensive set of materials, including books, online question banks, practice tests, and video lectures, is essential for a well-rounded GRE preparation. Ensure the materials align with the latest GRE format and cover all relevant content areas.

5. Interactive Doubt-solving Sessions:

Choose platforms that prioritize regular doubt-solving sessions. This will allow you to get clarification on challenging topics that can significantly enhance your understanding of GRE concepts. So, look for coaching classes that schedule interactive doubt-solving sessions to cater to individual learning needs.

6. Adaptive Mock Tests:

Practice tests are a crucial component of GRE preparation, and online coaching classes should offer a robust set of good-quality mock tests. Also, ensure the mock tests align with the latest GRE format. Regularly taking simulated GRE tests and analyzing your performance can help identify areas for improvement and refine your test-taking strategies.

7. Free Demo Classes:

Opt for platforms that offer free trials or sample classes. This allows you to experience the teaching style, platform interface, and overall learning environment before committing to the full program. Free trials help you make an informed decision based on firsthand experience.

Selecting the best GRE online coaching classes requires careful consideration and research. By focusing on factors such as the platform’s reputation, instructor expertise in online instruction, interactive learning features, comprehensive study materials, doubt-solving sessions, mock tests, and free demo classes, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your learning style and preferences.

Remember that the right online coaching class can significantly impact your GRE preparation journey. It’s not just about the content but the overall learning experience. Invest time in exploring your options, and choose an online coaching class that not only equips you with the knowledge needed to ace the GRE but also enhances your skills and confidence in navigating the digital realm of education. Your success in the GRE is within reach with the right online coaching platform.

As India’s leading Study Abroad Consultant, Dilip Oak’s Academy offers a comprehensive suite of services, including GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS coaching, as well as GRE Self Prep. Furthermore, our admission counseling services can guide you through the entire process from Shortlisting Universities to Visa Counseling. With our expertise, we have successfully sent 32,000 students to various prestigious American universities like MIT, Stanford, Cornell, and Carnegie Mellon. To enroll in our comprehensive overseas education consultancy services, book a free consultation or call us at 91-20-67444222.

Understanding the GRE Quantitative Reasoning Section

GRE Quantitative Reasoning section

When preparing for an exam, it is important for us to understand the format, structure and syllabus of that exam. So, in this blog, we will try to understand every aspect of the GRE Quantitative Reasoning Section, which will help us develop a very focused approach to ace this section. It will also answer the frequently asked questions (FAQs) that students ask while preparing for this section. So, let’s begin!

Assessing the Content of the GRE Quantitative Reasoning Section

The GRE Quantitative Reasoning section of the GRE mainly evaluates:

  • Your basic understanding of the mathematical concepts
  • Your ability to interpret and analyze quantitative information
  • Your application skills in solving the questions within the given time limit

Understanding the scope of the syllabus for the Quantitative Reasoning Section

  • The GRE broadly tests you on four main topics: Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Data Analysis. The Math Review (PDF) file provides detailed information about the scope of the syllabus.
  • To summarize, it tests you on all your high school math concepts.
  • Good news: No trigonometry, no calculus!

Exploring the Structure of the Quantitative Reasoning Section

  • The Test comprises two Quantitative Reasoning sections with 27 questions to be completed in 47 minutes.
  • The section-wise break-up is as follows:
    • Section I: 12 questions to be completed in 21 minutes
    • Section II: 15 questions to be completed in 26 minutes
  • The following question types are asked:
    • Multiple Choice (Single Correct):
    • Multiple Choice (One or more correct)
    • Numeric Entry Questions
    • Quantitative Comparison Questions
  • An on-screen calculator is available for the Quantitative Reasoning Section. (It is not a scientific calculator.)

Identifying Resources for Preparation

GRE Quantitative Reasoning section - Preparation

The following ETS GRE Resources would be the most authentic prep material as they include practice questions straight from the source.

A myriad of publications is available in the market, and a vast resource of material is on the net. But while choosing material, it would be wise to choose GRE-oriented material as it would cater to the format of the exam. At Dilip Oak’s Academy, our books and online practice material have been designed keeping the Test in mind, thus ensuring your focused preparation.

Achieving Success in the Quantitative Reasoning Section: Top Strategies

To get a good score in the Quantitative section of the GRE, ensure that your preparation involves the following steps:

Concept building:

  • Get a good grasp of the fundamental concepts
  • Memorize your formulae and computational tables to quickly and accurately solve questions.
  • Get familiar with the Question Types.

Practice, practice, practice:

  • Strengthen your concepts by solving a large number of practice questions specifically designed for the GRE.
  • Practice using tricks, shortcuts and time-saving strategies
  • Focus on increasing your accuracy and time management.


  • Testing yourself at regular intervals will familiarize you with the format of the exam.
  • Review/feedback will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses, which can be worked upon.
  • Taking at least two tests under simulated testing conditions would be a good approach as it would make you comfortable with the testing environment with time restrictions.

Now that we have covered the basics, let’s discuss some other questions you may have.

What if I have ‘Math Phobia’?

Many students are always scared of math and thus experience ‘math phobia’, which probably has no cure. Maybe you are not good at math naturally, but don’t give up. Remember, the GRE covers only the basic mathematical concepts studied at your school level, so your math skills are not being tested in this exam. Your application skills are put to the test, along with your logical and analytical thinking. Focus on your strong areas, not the troubled areas that haunt you. Lingering on these may only increase your anxiety and thus affect your preparation and, consequently, your performance.

What should be my approach if I have a strong Math background?

If that is the case, you may find the questions on this exam very simple. But beware! You may be caught off guard! Instead of becoming complacent, a good strategy would be to brush up on your concepts and use the simplicity of this exam to your advantage. Overdependence on your mathematical abilities may affect your score adversely, narrowing your chances of securing admission to a good university. 

What Next?

GRE Quantitative Reasoning section - what next?
  • Now that you have understood the focus of the exam and its format, start preparing according to the three steps mentioned above.
  • Ensure that you have a very good understanding of the fundamental concepts.
  • Completing 12 and 15 questions in 21 and 26 minutes respectively is one of the main challenges you will face while answering the Math section. Remember, your speed and accuracy should go hand in hand. You cannot afford to compromise one at the cost of the other.

To summarize, a dedicated and focused approach will surely enhance your test-taking skills, which will guarantee a good score. It’s not necessary to study hard; study smart. Wishing you all the BEST!!!

At Dilip Oak’s Academy, we understand the significance of this journey. Thus, we offer comprehensive GRE coaching in Pune, both online and classroom, to support you in this crucial aspect of your academic journey. Further, our admission counseling services can guide you through the entire process from Shortlisting Universities to Visa Counseling. With our expertise, we have successfully sent 32,000 students to various prestigious American universities like MIT, Stanford, Cornell, and Carnegie Mellon. To enroll in our comprehensive services, book a free consultation or call us at 91-020-67444222.

We offer GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS coaching, GRE Self Prep and guide students with university selection, application essays, and visa counseling under our Admission Counseling Services for USA, Germany and Canada.  

Expert Tips for Mastering GRE Verbal Reasoning: Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence

The GRE Verbal Reasoning section is often perceived as a challenging hurdle for many test-takers. Within this section, Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence questions can be particularly challenging but fear not- we’re here to guide you. Our expert faculty members have curated valuable tips and strategies to help test-takers like you conquer these question types. By honing your skills in Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence, you can confidently tackle the GRE Verbal Reasoning section and achieve your desired scores.

Understanding Text Completion:

Text Completion questions present a passage with one to three blank spaces, and candidates must select the correct words or phrases to fill these gaps. The challenge lies in choosing the most appropriate words that maintain the coherence and meaning of the passage. To tackle Text Completion effectively, follow these tips:

  • Focus on Context: Grasp the passage’s context and main idea to predict the type of words needed
    to fill the blanks.
  • Look for Clues: Analyze surrounding words and sentences for hints about the missing words’
    meanings, including transitional phrases and tone.
  • Eliminate Irrelevant Options: Rule out answer choices that do not fit the passage’s context or alter the intended meaning.
  • Consider Logical Flow: Ensure the selected words maintain a coherent and logical flow within the passage.

Mastering Sentence Equivalence:

Sentence Equivalence questions present a single sentence with one blank space. Candidates are tasked with selecting two words from the six given options that create sentences with similar meanings. While the core strategies remain the same for both questions types, here’s how to tackle Sentence Equivalence questions effectively:

  • Identify Keyword Clues: Pay attention to crucial keywords in the sentence, as they often provide clues about the missing word’s meaning.
  • Antonyms and Synonyms: Consider words with opposite or synonymous meanings that fit the sentence’s context.
  • Avoid Extreme Choices: Eliminate answer choices with extreme meanings that do not align with the sentence’s tone or context.
  • Utilize the Process of Elimination: Narrow down choices by eliminating unlikely options, increasing the chances of selecting the correct word pair.

Build a Strong Vocabulary

A robust vocabulary is vital for excelling in GRE Verbal Reasoning. Regularly practice learning new words, understanding their meanings, and exploring their usage in context. Dilip Oak Academy offers comprehensive GRE preparation resources, including word lists and mnemonic techniques to aid memorization. Read this blog for more tips to master your vocabulary:  5 Tips from Our Expert Faculty 

Read Diverse Texts

Expand your vocabulary and comprehension skills by engaging with a wide range of topics, including literature, academic articles, and news pieces. Read extensively to bolster your language proficiency. Here are some blogs to get you started: GREat Five Minute Reads 

Familiarize with GRE Question Styles

Practice with official GRE Verbal Reasoning questions to become familiar with the question styles, formats, and difficulty levels. Analyzing answer explanations for incorrect choices helps you understand common pitfalls and improves your critical thinking skills.

Time Management

Efficient time management is crucial during GRE Verbal Reasoning. Allocate appropriate time to each question, and if you encounter a challenging question, flag it and move on. Later, during the review phase, allocate time to revisit flagged questions. The well-designed study plan and guidance from the expert faculty during the classes will boost your GRE preparation and give you the confidence to ace the test.

Take Full-Length Practice Tests

Simulate the real GRE experience by taking full-length practice tests under timed  conditions. Full-length practice tests help build endurance, identify weak areas, and fine-tune your test-taking strategies. This will help you get accustomed to the pressure and time constraints.

By mastering Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence, you can confidently approach the GRE and achieve your dream of pursuing further studies, like MS in the USA.

As a premier study abroad institute in Pune, Dilip Oak Academy is committed to helping students excel in the GRE exam. Our comprehensive GRE preparation resources include coaching- classroom & online with our experienced faculty members, online prep resources with access to over 2000 questions and a self-prep module which includes video lessons. With a focus on excellence, Dilip Oak Academy is your partner in achieving GRE success.

We also offer TOEFL, and IELTS coaching, and guide students with university selection, application essays, and visa counseling under our Admission Counseling Services for USA, Germany and UK.  To enroll, call us on 91-020-67444222, 91-8007878495

Last-minute tips to master the Quant section on the GRE

Preparing for a competitive exam like GRE is always a daunting task. Nonetheless, summing up the preparation is also equally important to perform better on the exam. In this blog, we will share some of the tips with you on how to brush up on the Math section in the last week before your GRE. So, let’s get started!

Revise all the theory concepts well

Don’t forget that the GRE is more about conceptual clarity than heavy calculation. So, make sure that you have understood all the concepts well. In case you come across a point where some clarity is required, refer to your lecture notes and practice it again but don’t panic.

Check your error log

In the last week of preparation, instead of revising all the problems that you have solved, it is advisable to concentrate only on those questions that you have got incorrect while practicing. So, refer to your error log and revise only the difficult questions.

Solve only a limited number of questions

Don’t get exhausted by solving too many of the questions in the last week. Instead, select only a limited number of questions for practice.

Revise formulae sheet

Please remember that the required formulae should be on the tip of your tongue! Thus, revise all the formulae at least once daily without fail.

Revise tables daily

This is yet another important technique to give a boost to your Quant score on the GRE. In spite of the fact that the use of a calculator is permitted on GRE, it is better to do the calculations manually as much as possible. Thus, revise the tables at least twice a day.

If you ensure that these aspects are taken care of, you will feel more confident as you attempt the exam.

Wish you all the very best in your preparation!!

Question of the Week

GRE aspirants, it’s time to rack your brain and crack this question of the week! Our expert GRE faculty will drop in interesting questions for you every week to help you think logically and get closer to acing the GRE! Type your answer in the comments section below!

We will publish the correct answers and explanations in the comments section every Friday! STAY TUNED!

Question of the Week

GRE aspirants, it’s time to rack your brain and crack this question of the week! Our expert GRE faculty will drop in interesting questions for you every week to help you think logically and get closer to acing the GRE! Type your answers in the comments section below!

We will publish the correct answers and explanations in the comments section every Friday! STAY TUNED!

Question of the Week

GRE aspirants, it’s time to rack your brain and crack this question of the week! Our expert GRE faculty will drop in interesting questions for you every week to help you think logically and get closer to acing the GRE! Type your answers in the comments section below!

We will publish the correct answers and explanations in the comments section every Friday! STAY TUNED!

Question of the Week

GRE aspirants, it’s time to rack your brain and crack this question of the week! Our expert GRE faculty will drop in interesting questions for you every week to help you think logically and get closer to acing the GRE! Type your answers in the comments section below!

We will publish the correct answers and explanations in the comments section every Friday! STAY TUNED!

Start your GRE Prep with us! New batches starting 27th & 28th March! Enroll here:

Question of the Week

GRE aspirants, it’s time to rack your brain and crack this question of the week! Our expert GRE faculty will drop in interesting questions for you every week to help you think logically and get closer to acing the GRE! Type your answers in the comments section below!

We will publish the correct answers and explanations in the comments section every Friday! STAY TUNED!

Start your GRE Prep with us! New batches starting 27th & 28th March! Enroll here:

Question of the Week

GRE aspirants, it’s time to rack your brain and crack this question of the week! Our expert GRE faculty will drop in interesting questions for you every week to help you think logically and get closer to acing the GRE! Solve and post your answers in the comments section!

We will publish the correct answers and explanations in the comments section every Friday! STAY TUNED!

Jumpstart your GRE Prep with Oak’s exclusive Study Plans

Untitled design (6)

One of the most important steps in preparing for the GRE is planning your study schedule.  Many a time, despite being fast learners, students fail to score high in the GRE only because of haphazard study methods. A structured prep plan helps you to systematically cover all the topics, manage time, and stay focused and motivated until your test day. At Dilip Oak’s Academy, along with GRE Coaching, we guide our enrolled students to study in a methodical manner through our exclusive GRE Study Plans.

Depending upon your GRE date (ETS registered/tentative), we provide you with a customized study plan for either 1 month, 1.5 months, 2 months, 2.5 months, 3 months, 3.5 months or 4 months.

Each study plan includes a step-by-step preparatory guide with day wise and week wise guidelines for Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing Sections of the GRE.

While each study plan varies according to the duration, it broadly includes:

  • Vocabulary Learning and Practice
  • Verbal Reasoning strategies and practice
  • Quantitative Reasoning strategies and practice
  • AWM essays brainstorming
  • ETS Material Practice

All the study plans comprise rigorous learning and practice modules for each of the above sections. To help you keep a track of your preparation, we also send you daily and weekly goal-setting reminders.

Along with these, the study plans also include access to our exclusive online learning tools: Focused Practice, Test Prep and CBTs that help you study in a more organized manner and allow you to track your progress.

Focused Practice

  1. Reinforcement of the classroom coaching by helping you keep in sync with the concepts, tricks, and tips taught in the class
  2. 400+ questions for Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning
  3. Topic-wise questions for Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning

Test Prep

  1. Personalized Dashboard to track your progress
  2. Customized according to the question types and difficulty level
  3. Convenient timed and untimed modes for practice
  4. Instant Review and question summary
  5. In-depth explanatory answers to gauge where you stand


  1. Actual GRE® test experience with full-length timed tests according to the ETS® pattern
  2. AW essay scores and personalized feedback by our experienced evaluators
  3. Detailed Analysis of your performance to help you gauge your strengths and weaknesses
  4. Explanatory Review to help  you understand what went wrong and how to get it right the next time

Who can avail the study plans?

Only those students who have enrolled for GRE Coaching at Dilip Oak’s Academy can avail these study plans. To jumpstart your GRE prep and unlock our comprehensive study plans, register for our Online GRE Coaching.

You can then request for the suitable study plan by submitting us the details of your enrolled batch, Roll Number and GRE Test date on

The plan will be sent directly to your inbox on your registered email ID.

What are you waiting for? Register for our October 1 GRE batch here: and along with study plans, avail 30% discount on the coaching fees!



GREat Five-Minute Reads: Episode 12

Dear Reader,

One of the easiest ways to learn new words is through association. Instead of trying to learn by remembering the equivalent of a word in your mother tongue or its usage in English, you can learn by thinking of words in groups. These groupings can be grammatical: all action verbs or nouns related to knowledge (ending with -logy), for instance; or logical: as found in our VocabApp.

Today, all our links and questions are about pictures and photographs, which can be helpful in recollecting a bunch of words. Here are some of those words, see how many you can guess correctly.

Question 1

For a ______ like myself, there was no wrong age to take up photography: I just had to get a smartphone!

A] tyro

B] sage

C] transgressor


Question 2

The light cast by the setting sun is the most _____________ and hence, it is known as the Golden Hour in Hollywood.

A] voluble

B] voluminous

C] luminous


Question 3

Whenever I look at these pictures of people from my past, I am filled with _________.

A] nostalgia

B] animosity

C] catharsis


Question 4

4] The only surviving picture of my great-grandmother is a small painted __________.

A] frieze

B] vignette

C] coda


Question 5

Editors often __________ black-and-white photos with colour images to choose the best ones.

A] riddle

B] amalgamate

C] juxtapose


Tell us your guesses in the comments section and look for the answers in our next edition!

Here are some articles you might interesting:

Hi-Res in Space!

Everyday Exemplars…

Recycling Could Help You Make Millions


Answers for last week’s questions:

1] “We found the glass splashed on little pieces of bone that were by the hearth, so we know that the molten glass had landed in this village while people were living there,” said coauthor Allen West, a member of the Comet Research Group, a nonprofit organization aimed at studying this particular cosmic impact and its consequences.

2] B] No magnetic marks, characteristic of lightning strikes, were found.

3] A] Climatic changes

4] B] exceptional D] atypical

5] A] imitate D] prevalent