15 cheapest and 15 most expensive American universities for international students


cheapest & costliest American universities

Pursuing M.S. in the USA is often expensive, especially for international students because unlike American citizens who pay in-state tuition fees, international students have to pay full tuition fees. For example, if an annual in-state tuition fee is $8000, an out-of-state tuition fee can be as high as $20,000. These tuition fees are also dependent on the ranking of the university. US universities are given rankings by certain private agencies like the US News, Princeton Review, etc. and as a thumb rule, the higher the ranking, the costlier is the university. Generally, state-funded universities are cheaper than private universities. Of course, there are certain exceptions to this.  However, just because the universities are cheaper, it does not mean they do not offer quality education.

Taking all these factors into consideration, at Dilip Oak’s Academy, we have shortlisted around 150 accredited universities which offer quality education and also offer good job opportunities.

Below is a list of the 15 most expensive and the 15 cheapest universities you can apply to, for pursuing a master’s degree program in the USA. The list is based only on tuition fees for fall 2020 and is not inclusive of living expenses because the living expenses mentioned on the I-20 form are on the higher side and the actual living expenses are less than that.

15 cheapest universities

SR.NO                Name of University State Code Tuition Fees
1 Minnesota State University MN 7424
2 University of Central Missouri MO 8697
3 South Dakota State University – Brookings SD 8876
4 University of South Dakota SD 10330
5 University of Texas – El Paso TX 10664
6 Brigham Young University UT 11160
7 Bowling Green State University OH 11611
8 Sam Houston State University TX 11630
9 North Western Polytechnic University IL 12150
10 Indiana State University – Terre Haute IN 12260
11 University of Wyoming – Laramie WY 12566
12 Texas A and M University – Kingsville TX 12839
16 University of Arkansas-Littlerock AR 13320
13 Arkansas State University AR 13500
14 Wright State University-Dayton OH 13800
17 California State University-Long Beach CA 14568
15 Central Michigan University MI 15300

15 most expensive universities

SR.NO                Name of University State Code Tuition Fees
1 Columbia University NY 58656
2 North Western University – Evanston IL 56067
3 Dartmouth College NH 55605
4 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute NY 53757
5 Johns Hopkins University MD 52170
6 University of Michigan – Ann Arbor MI 50326
7 Boston University MA 49886
8 Carnegie Mellon University PA 49372
9 Brown University RI 49146
10 Duke University NC 49080
11 Cornell University NY 48900
12 New York University NY 45426
13 University of Pennsylvania PA 44814
14 University of Rochester NY 44608
15 University of Southern California CA 46948

For more guidance on university selection and admission process, enroll for our expert admission counseling today!