GREat Five-Minute Reads: Episode 5

As GRE-at Five Minute Reads turns “fabulous five” with this list, we would like to commend you, our readers, and present a tongue-in-cheek thank you speech for all those plaudits which are still to come: “Thank you, dear students, for persevering with reading when you would much rather be bingeing, for resisting the temptations of click-baits, and, for providing us with much-required validation on social media! As we stride forth, we want to look back and rejoice!”

So, this week’s list brings you articles on History — that supreme purveyor of lessons, which we never seem to learn!

  1. Dam! That burst destroyed one of the most powerful civilizations in history!
  2. Lincoln Logs: Wartime history
  3. Sticking kids in front of a screen: history of educational television (surely, an oxymoron!?!)
  4. Fun and games from the prehistoric times before Angry Birds and Candy Crush Saga
  5. Environmental history: it is not all fun and games…it is TEOTWAWKI!

Look out for a new Reading List every week on Thursday!